
Read our reviews before making your decisions.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Magnum Ice Cream

I've been seeing the ads for these new ice cream bars for a few weeks. What's better than chocolate and ice cream on a stick?! My diet, be damned...I went to the store today looking for this magnificent looking deep chocolate and caramel colored box. I saw them immediately in the ice cream freezer. I stared for several moments trying to decide between the 3 boxes. 

But then did I choose just one flavor or all three. My store had three flavors (Classic, Double Caramel, and Almond). Follow the link to the website to see all flavor selections (Classic, Double Caramel, Almond, Double Chocolate, White and Dark Chocolate). Your mouth will water just from seeing the boxes. So back to my dilemma. The price almost stopped me at one flavor - $3.98 for one box of 3 bars!! Yes, that's some expensive ice cream bars!! I decided to try Classic and Double Caramel. Stick with me here...I'm getting to the good stuff...literally.

It took me about 45 minutes after getting home from the store to decide to break into one of those boxes. I chose the Classic to try first as I know some people don't like caramel and I knew I wanted to do this review. The bars are packaged in shiny gold foil wrappers. They look classy even before seeing the actual bar. 

As you pull the bar from the packaging you see it has a smooth Belgium chocolate coating. If your mouth doesn't water at this sight then you're not a true chocolate aficionado. The Classic chocolate bar has no markings except for a lone M stamped into the chocolate on one side. The marking of a fine chocolatier. 

The first bite was almost beyond describable. The chocolate coating was thick enough to break off gently but not fall apart or down your shirt. The first thing I noticed about the inside was the creamy vanilla bean speckled ice cream. It was creamy and melted in my mouth but was not soft or melty. The thick Belgium chocolate coating melted ever so gently over my tongue. 

I don't know how many bites it took because I think I may have transported to some alternate universe. Yes, I like my chocolate and ice cream. It's *that* serious!

The Classic Magnum bar never melted or dripped or crumbled. On an ice cream bar scale, I'd have to put this ice cream at the top of the list. Yes, it's expensive but if you want a satiny vanilla bean ice cream covered in a silky, decadent Belgium chocolate covering then you should try this ice cream. Don't let the price scare you. It's very much worth it. 

Magnum Ice Cream bars are sexy. Follow them on Twitter : @MagnumIceCream

Added 5/15/2011: 

Double Caramel: If you like the taste of a smooth, creamy caramel then try the Double Caramel Magnum Ice Cream bar. In between two think layers of the Belgium chocolate you'll find a creamy caramel sauce. This isn't a thick layer of caramel but just enough of a hint. Sometimes the Belgium chocolate overpowers the caramel but for the most part the caramel is quite distinctive.  The combination of the caramel sauce, the vanilla bean ice cream and the Belgium chocolate shell melt together on your tongue for an explosion of sensual goodness.

Double Chocolate: Today I found this new flavor at the grocery store. So I picked up a box to review, of course! :-) I was immediately intrigued by the 'double chocolate' as I'm a chocolate addict like many other people.  Chocolate is my Achilles heel. Okay back to the ice cream bar. This bar is a chocolate lover's dream. Between the two thick, smooth layers of Belgium chocolate shells is a satiny chocolate sauce that is velvety and luscious. Once you break through the three amazing chocolate layers you find a Belgium chocolate ice cream that is delicately soft but deliciously rich in flavor.  This is the bar for you if you want everything chocolate. Try it. You will not be disappointed.

Added 5/16/2011:

Almond: For an extra crunchy ice cream bar, try the Magnum Almond bar. The same thick, Belgium chocolate coating that fabulously covered the other bars has chopped almond in it on this bar. And it's not just a few almond, it's a lot and you can actually taste the almond bits. The ice cream is the creamy vanilla bean. With this bar I tasted more of the vanilla bean ice cream. The chocolate wasn't as forceful. And the color of the bar was more of a milky chocolate than a darker chocolate.  

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