
Read our reviews before making your decisions.

Monday, April 25, 2011

We'll Review It

This is slowly but surely coming together. After discussing for a few days, we decided to start a review site for food, beverages, stores, restaurants, products, etc. that we use. Many new products and establishments rely on word of mouth communication for promotion. As you know, the internet and social networks have become mainstream in self promoting. But sometimes there's little review or consumer data out there to make a good judgement. That's what we're here for.

We, obviously, can't review everything. But hopefully the reviews we post will benefit you in some way. If you have suggestions for things or places you want us to try, then post a comment or send us a tweet (@reviewsforyou1). We want to hear from you. Your feedback is essential in letting everyone know the amazing, the good, the bad and the ugly of something. (We will reject any and all comments that are vulgar, demoralizing, or personally damaging.)

So it's understood upfront, we are not paid or provided with products to test/try. We are doing this on our own to give an opinion that would help you in your decision making.

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